What We Do

What We Do

Tabletop Productions
Tabletop Productions
Let’s talk tabletop. Or better yet, let’s show you. There’s almost nothing we love more than starting a shoot with an empty table top and finishing with a beautiful food story.
Social Media Content
Social Media Content
We know, it might be quite daunting to come up with new social media content. That’s why we’re here: to provide fresh, quality visual content for your brand.
Stop Motions
Stop Motions
There’s something quite mesmerizing about that perfect stop motion muffin which you simply can’t unsee, isn't it?
What does your food brand desire? More emotion? Greater reach on social media? Then cinemagraphs might just be the perfect answer for your brand.
Six to sixty seconds is all you need to deliver that call to action to your audience. The best way to do that is using short videos, tailored for your brand.
Video Recipes
Video Recipes
Food recipes are always trendy. Times might change, needs might vary but we continuously need inspiration.
Still Photos
Still Photos
Commercial photography is *still* very much alive and kicking as long as an advertisement, a magazine, a packaging or a cookbook needs it.
How many hours can we record, you ask? Well, if you consider the frames and their frequency, at normal speed, food will time travel. So the question is relative.